down syndrome test


hi ladies anyone done the test for down syndrome . I've done the blood and scan I'm 13 weeks and I'm 37 and was told I'm at high risk only due to my age? what do I do now

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couldn't they tell you the new likelihood after the scan? I got my results immediately afterwards


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I’m 41 and had low risk results from bloods, nuchal scan and harmony test (3rd bub). I decided I was happy with those results and my obstetrician essentially advised that the risk of miscarriage from the amino was higher than the risk of baby having DS from the combined test results. They are of course only diagnostic tests though so not definitive. I think it’s important to note as I believe from reading a lot of posts on this forum that there is a misconception that these blood tests are 100% accurate. If you want a definitive answer an amnio is the only way to know for sure.


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my looked for the soft markers and blood work and since everything was fine he told me harmony test was optional and that he believed results will turn out consistent with what he already saw. I took the harmony test just for my own peace of mind since I'm over 35. you're doctor should advice what is best for you based on his findings.


Reni • Mar 27, 2018
my Dr... (sorry)


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I did Harmony and it took 8 business days to get the results.


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I am going to do the test on Thursday, I’m 11 weeks and 38, it’s scary, yet I’d rather know than not! You will be in my thoughts!


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Did you take the harmony test?


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You should get the results in about a week.