How my boyfriend threatens me about careless stuff

How my boyfriend threatened me the other day

So I'm getting out the shower

when he starts saying that if I left my argan oil with the cap off one more time...

he was going to have me use coconut oil instead as we both busted out laughing.

Apparently he noticed that after I ran out of my argan oil for my hair, I decided to use coconut oil but I don't like it because my hair doesn't absorb it as well as my go-to.

Oh yeah, and no matter what amount I use, I look like a ghastly giant greaseball more or less like so:

I never mentioned anything about it to him, so the fact that he knew melted my heart. Sometimes I think he's too engrossed with work and life but this makes me realize how special we are to each other🌹🌞💝🌝 🌹

Either that or I must of looked real jacked up for him to notice.


Anywho, ladies I must say