Long post! Help a girl out??

Okay I’m gonna tell y’all what’s been going on, and I wanna know if anyone has had similar issues and ended up with a bfp.

Since o day, I’ve been cramping. (I’m 10 dpo) after day 8, the cramps turned into a pulling. Every time I stretch my stomach, it pulls and hurts all around my belly button. At 8dpo around 10 at night I had af type cramps and they haven’t been back. Around 3 dpo I fell sick. I was running a fever over 100 all night even with medicine. I was nauseous, my nose it’s STILL stuffy and my throat is sore as well. It feels like I have a never ending cold. No medicine helps. I’ve tried everything that’s safe for ttc, and I don’t wanna take anything that could risk me possibly being pregnant. I’m waiting to test until around 12dpo for a more accurate result. My boobs are tender, the nipple area the most sensitive. I am so bloated, none of my pants fit. Did anyone have any of these symptoms and end up with a bfp??