Frustration!! TMI? Normal???

My SO ended up visiting for the past few days. We had planned on having our usual sex and all that jazz but I ended up starting my period right before he gets here. He has never had a sister so the whole period thing grosses him out and there is no way we can have vaginal sex. Not even in the shower where it will just wash away like it was never there. So instead we have anal, which I am not a big fan of, but if I'm in the right mind set I'm all for it. The only thing is it feels good the first night and then if it happens again the next night I feel some discomfort for a while afterwards while he sleeps like a baby. I told him I didn't really want to do anal tonight(the second night in a row) but I ended up going for it thinking I might not have the discomfort because I bought some lube to try out for the first time. Wrong! Now I am sitting in the living room with the same discomfort while he is fast asleep. I'm just gonna tell him no anal two nights in a row. Is it normal to have this discomfort?