Let’s talk about sperm

So my husband and I have been TYC for three years. I have PCOS. Finally my fertility drugs are working. Letrozole grew my egg and I triggered when my follicle was 20mm. That was Wednesday. My doc said “timed intercourse for Thursday and Friday” so we did. Twice on Thursday and once on Friday.

However, my husband has... well performance anxiety. When we normally have sex he can have a great orgasm with the kind of sperm you want when you TTC. But for the last two days, during times intercourse, he not only has a hard time reaching that special moment, when he finally does get there. He says that he knows his sperm is more liquidity and clear.

I have only been pregnant once and it was a chemical pregnancy which barely counts. So I am worried we spent all this money to get pregnant and because of his lame orgasms it won’t work this round.

Has anyone had a similar issue? What was your results?