It’s official, TTC is on hold 😫 What should I do? Is this normal?


Idk I would be so upset about this. 😣

It had been 3 weeks since we last BD because I was fertile according to my OPK and then I did not ovulate and went right into my AF. I had a super short cycle (for me) at 29 days and AF ended yesterday so we decided to BD today. We used a condom for the very first time in 7 years!

It was odd, but sad for me too.

We had been TTC since August, but he may have an overseas job where he would miss the birth and most of it’s first year so we agreed to wait so he could be there. This job will help us so much financially and it will help his career so much...

But I still want to cry.

What do I do? Is it normal to be so sad about stopping temporarily? I am just feeling so much and I was already sad that I got my period this month because it was my last chance. I mean we avoided BDing when I was fertile just in case but I guess I still had hope. Now I just feel so sad. I don’t know what to to handle it.

Help? Advice?