On going chest pains


Just wondered if anyone else sufferers with anything similar...

The past 4 years now I’ve suffered with on/off chest pains, they are located on my left side and are very sharp and stabbing.

I seem to get blips that come and go and these blips can last anything up to 2 weeks and come roughly every few months.

I suffer with bad anxiety so when I get one of these blips it literally puts me so on edge and it’s all I can think about. I’ve been to see numerous GP’s and had an ECG & chest X-ray that came back clear.

I’m now 18 weeks pregnant and going though a bad blip at the moment and it’s getting me so down and depressed. My chest is literally all I can think about and all I can focus on.

I’m so fed up of this now, I wish I knew what it was but I seem to be getting no where and it’s getting me more and more depressed 😞