...period due March 14(cd28)...but spotted from cd 17-22


I don’t know how many days post ovulation I am because I didn’t track this month with our 1 year ttc doctor visit being this month. I knew I was gonna be stressed anyway. Well from cd17-cd21 I spotted this on and off brown spotting. Cd 22 NOTHING and then I had my Pap test that day and the doctor said I may have some spotting. I did that afternoon, thick brown. Then on cd 23 just had like a light tan when I’d wiped and then so far today nothing.

I was planning to wait until the 13th (my lucky number) because af is due the 14th and normally I spot 2-3 days prior to that anyway so if no spotting by the 13th then I feel it’s a good time to test.

That’s my goal every month and I’ve never actually make it to that..the day before my period every month is my goal of no spotting comes, and it ALWAYS comes before I can test. Just wanted yalls opinion before I pull the trigger and test early.

Also I have 1 test, thats it. It’s a First response. So if I test tomorrow morning and it’s negative I won’t buy another one until the 14th if I don’t start to take the 15th

What’s yalls opinion?!

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