I don’t know anymore

My child’s father has not seen him since Christmas. Well technically he didn’t even see him Christmas!!! I dropped him off Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> night after all my family stuff and he was supposed to spend a week with him.. The next MORNING I was messaged by my mom saying him and his gf dropped my child off so they can go to her families and spend the whole day there. So I wanted to go pick him up but the. My sister brought him with her places and I live 2 hours away so I was like ok I guess.. next morning... HE WAS STILL THERE. So I drove all the way to get him and bring him home. I was so upset my son didn’t get to see his dad for Christmas cuz his dad ditched him for his new gf and her kids.. after I got him his dad messaged saying “oh can I get him tomorrow” I told him no. He has not see him since and has rarely messaged asking about him. He did message one time asking to see him... but only because he was upset him and his gf broke up.

I just don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t wanna keep my child from his father but I also don’t think his father choosing girlfriends/partying/and everything else over him.