What do I do


I didn’t really have much to say when he told me this last night. I kinda just left it there, I didn’t expect it. I thought things were going really well..

He started off the conversation with “how do you feel about taking a break” then it went to “I don’t want to lose you” to “I love you and I don’t want to hurt your feelings when I tell you this”. My boyfriend said he’s uncomfortable being going out with me because I’m fat and he wants to be able to post about me but he feels like he’s gonna get made fun of. That it doesn’t make sense for someone super fit (he recently lost a lot of weight) to be with a “big lady” and he’s embarrassed.

he said wants me to lose weight so I can be happier.

I really don’t know how to feel about it. I almost broke up with him on the spot but I just said goodnight and cried for a while. I feel like absolute shit.

I can’t even ask my friends for advice because I don’t want them to hate him and it’s embarrassing. What if they feel the same about me too :(

I’m 19 and he’s 21 idk if that matters