tmi blood pics

Venice • 👶🏽 miracle IVF baby boy

I know this app supposed to be a safe place to get questions answered I am not judging at all. when I was 24 I had a really bad blood clot scare that sent me to the hospital twice in one day. during my first visit the nurse asked if I had the collected blood clot so that she could determine if it was a miscarriage or not. of course I didn't!! because I flushed it down the toilet🤦🏾... I was nervous and freaked out I did grab it before I flushed it in the toilet and knew it was not a baby not to mention took a pregnancy test at home just to confirm a BFN. when I visited the hospital later that evening after it happened again I got a dinner size ziplock bag and collected what appeared to be an iPhone size clot that came out of me with such Force along with a lot of very thin bright red blood. Okay so let's Flash Forward 3 years married currently having <a href="">ivf</a> fertility treatments done to combat my endometriosis ovarian cyst fibroids and uterine polyps. I have a love-hate relationship with doctors I also have a love-hate relationship with Google. Educating yourself is the biggest part of this infertility Journey because the unknown is what scares and stops all of us from getting the help we need. I will say this.... when my period comes and I know it is for sure no chance I'm pregnant I will not be dissecting blood clots that come out of me that week🙅🏾🙅🏾🙅🏾🙅🏾.! it's completely normal for some women and I am accepting that I that i am one of those blood clot forming people🙋🏾. I can't make myself go crazy wondering if each time of it could have possibly been tissue or a deformed embryo. if that means I'm weak, so be It! I commend all of you ladies 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾for taking a second, third, and fourth glance at the toilet paper or the toilet bowl but I just can't do it anymore. trying to get pregnant for three and a half years alone after trying to not get pregnant for 11 years prior is emotionally draining. I don't want to harp on the idea of a miscarriage that I didn't know I had. DONT get me wrong if you knew you were🤰🏼 pregnant this does NOT apply to you. I am completely talking about my experiences and for me I just can't deal with anymore stress so when that time of the month comes i chalk it all up to being my obnoxious menstrual cycle and nothing more 🤷🏽🤷🏽