Mom Hair Don't Care????


Okay, so I'm a ftm, and all my life, I've had long hair. I'm talking to my butt long. Around a year ago, because my hair was unhealthy, and bc my SO thought short hair would be cute, I cut off a whopping 14 inches. It STILL has not grown all the way back out, but, it's growing slowly thanks to my parentals. I'm 24 weeks, and I don't know what burst of energy everyone is going on about. I'm exhausted 24/7 and I hate doing my hair. Holding my hands over my head long enough to curl or crimp it wears me out. So, here's my question to all the mama's out there who had/ have long hair: Is it easier to maintain long where you can throw it in a bun / pony, or get a mom chop? My hair is naturally straight, so leaving it to dry on its own was so easy when it was shorter, but it has to be dried and styled now. Pics to show my long hair, and my hair about 6 months ago. Let me see all of your beautiful cuts!!!

Growing slowly but surely. ✂️✂️