I ruined everything + The most relatable thing on the earth


Ok so I have this crush on this guy in my year and his one of those popular types that I have no chance with 🙄 Anyway the other day he was standing next to me and drops his pencil case and it’s like in between us and I like jerk forward to pick it up and then I’m like “What no” (in my head) and just walk away really slowly with my friends and there all laughing so hard. And I’m like I’m so mean I should have just picked up the pencil case and gave it to him, maybe we would have actually talked. So now I’ve ruined everything but I’m also laighing like “WHAT EVEN”

Ok other then that has anyone got that feeling that there crush likes them back. Like your crush looks at you once and your like “He totally likes me” . Then you like catch him looking at you (or a she) and your life fkaowjeneiej. It’s really confusing.