PPD or need a break?

I'll do this in bullets to make it shorter, kinda.

-4 months PP

-live at MIL's house so me, SO, and baby are all in one room

-returning to work at 5 months PP

-MIL's boyfriend also lives here and has no job so he is always in the living room

-SO and I only have one car so he takes it to work and school

-exclusively breastfeeding

I'm getting bored. Well, i don't know if bored is the right word. I hate living here but it's a financial situation. I'm starting to dislike breastfeeding because it's starting to burn & baby is constantly pulling off. The sound of my baby's cry is starting to irritate me. I can't put him down without him fussing. I've been trying to get baby on a sleeping schedule but it hasn't been working. Baby is still not sleeping through the night. I'm the one who puts him to bed and the one who wakes up in the morning with him. SO helps out with baby but he has school work almost all the time. I just hate that sometimes when baby starts to cry, SO won't even flinch cause it's always me who answers to the cries. I get tired of it, i need a break too. I love my baby so much but I just feel bored. I don't know what to do with him because I'm confined to a bedroom and have no car to go anywhere. Do I need a break from baby or is this PPD?