
Anyone else who had a miscarriage before worried now during there pregnancy?? I’m a healthg almost 39 year old and was pregnant for the first time last october (got married at 37), and miscarried in mid December when no heart beat was found. I had no symptoms at all of miscarrying which is the scary part and thought I was still pregnant. I’m now pregnant with our rainbow baby!! Today I’m four weeks 5 days but feel no symptoms. At first I was peeing constantly and that’s how I had a feeling I was. With my other pregnancy which ended in miscarriage I had painfully sore boobs and they were heavy right from the beginning, and with this one- absolutely nothing!!! I honestly worry about every single thing with this one Bc of what happened and can’t relax. I’m no spring chicken and do not want to ever go through what i went through before obviously. My doctor has been monitoring me and checking my HCG levels and progesterone and so far they’ve been good:

3/5 (4 weeks) 178.9 HCG

3/7 - 553 HCG

3/5 - 11.8 progesterone

3/7 - 16.9 progesterone

I just had more blood work taken yesterday and praying and praying they’ve tripled. Also seeing my obgyn tomorrow to ask her any questions. Anyone have any questions they recommend me asking? Can anyone share some positive stories of having a miscarriage and then having a healthy pregnancy / baby afterwards? I was pleasantly surprised to get preggo within two months of my miscarriage and D&C; I just want this one to stick!! First ultrasound isn’t until 7 weeks last time it was 9 weeks but I don’t think I can wait that long again. Maybe I should have done one sooner but can they even see anything at 5 or 6 weeks? I also started taking progesterone suppositories once a day at 100mg. Heard there is no research though that really supports and confirms they help that it’s more in the mind but praying everything goes well this time. Any advice is much appreciated! Also I recently started a new job a few weeks ago right when I found it I was pregnant and occasionally they want me to lift heavy boxes which i refuse to do!

Wasn’t planning on telling them til after first trimester but night have to now if it’s putting me at risk. Is lifting dangerous in first trimester? Also, any one have any advice on if I should see a maternal fetal medicine specialist Bc of my age and previous history of a miscarriage?? Thanks!!