Ladies I could really really use yalls help


First off, please don't say anything ugly or disrespectful. I go to y'all for help plain and simply because I trust y'all. so if your Not going to actually help then just move on to the next post.

My problem is this ...

Me and my boyfriend have been together for some time now. like 8 months or so. when we got together sex was all new for me. and I wasn't really interested in it. I had one experience and that didn't go well at all. but I tried again with him and things got better. because of that bad experience I was worried about everything to be honest. but who hasn't at some point right? anyway, the one thing I wanted time on was oral. I just didn't want to get into everything at once and get overwhelmed.well the time has come to learn oral and how all of it works. anyway, my boyfriend has been extremely patient while waiting on me to do it. it's something I want to do. but I'm scared to death of worried it will be the one thing I'm not good at. I have learned everything so far pretty freaking well I do admit. he thinks I will be good at it because I have a gentle touch. in more worried about the actual sucking part. I also have TMJ or lock jaw so that worried me some as well. I just want him to enjoy it and like it but I'm so worried that I won't be any good at it.

Do y'all have any words of wisdom or encouragement for me?

This has me almost crying. I want to do this for him because I love him. but I'm so worried about it. I've probably over thought it. but any help is welcomed.