Dear J***

We were friends for a while. Things got tough for me one night so you took me out to get things off my mind. It felt like a movie. You took me to your favorite spots you like to hide away when you need a moment to yourself. We laughed and talked so naturally I forgot about everyone else in the world. We went to that beach you like to go to and continued to talk. It was about 10 at night so it was just us and the waves. We started playing around and I was walking backwards and tripped over seaweed and fell, you fell with me. We laughed and then locked eyes and me everything went quiet. We had a passionate kiss while laying on the sand by the water. Things went further then either of us thought they would. You made me feel so comfortable, so important, so free. After that you continued to show me your favorite spots. We’d get off the truck and run to the rails so you could have me close my eyes and listen to the noises that make you feel peace. We continued going spot to spot for 3 more hours. It was never awkward considering we had just had unexpected sex at the beach. Then when you went to take me home there was a accident that caused the road to be closed and us stuck in traffic... but you just held my hand, kissed me and said how tired you’d be to have to get up in a few hours for work but how it was all worth it. You kept messaging me through out the days and my heart fluttered with every message. We continued to date for a while after that and You began to want to take me and my kids to theme parks and do activities as a family and I really admired you for that. But I didn’t want to bring someone into my kids everyday life’s so early and then have to explain why things didn’t work out if something were to happen.

Time has passed and you are with someone now. Every once a while you message me and ask if I’m ready to be with you but honestly... your girlfriend seems to be happy and I don’t want to be the b***** who came between you guys. And if you’re doing that to her I can’t imagine me being in her shoes which makes me not want to be with you. Still with all that had happened Where you my one? Was I yours? Our stars aligned that night and everything seemed so right but why did it just fade off?

I’m so lost on what to do. Do I delete you on every social media? Do I just ignore you completely? You are a amazing memory in my heart I don’t want to shut you out but I don’t know how to talk to you anymore. You’re asking me to be with you and begin making our family grow but I can’t. I’m too scared. If you’re saying this behind her back who’s to say you won’t do it behind mine? I can’t take that risk.

I truly loved you and maybe one day that stars will align again....