I knew it was gonna be worth it. (long post)


My husband landed his dream job a few months ago . And he’s making really good money the only downside is he’s gone 3 weeks out of the month. He grew up really poor so when we first started dating I paid for most of the dates (well my mom cause we were 15 lol). I was a little on the wealthier side so I spoiled him and he always felt weird about accepting anything from me but I knew he was the one so it was worth it. Fast forward 4 years later we’re living in our very first apartment barely getting by and what would keep is hopeful is talking about the future. He would always say he couldn’t wait to give me what I deserved. Anyway another year later here we are TTC looking to buy our first house ( taking a little long because he’s not here to look at houses with me)

and he’s spoiling me with gifts which aren’t necessary but appreciated. I know he feels so happy that he can give us the future we’ve been planning for so long.

Us at 15

This is us now 6 years later.