Mucus plug question.


Hey everyone, just a disclaimer to say there there are no TMI photos but I'll be describing some mucus! I am 35 weeks pregnant with a baby who has consistently measured ahead in size by 2 weeks. She was estimated to weigh 5lbs 1oz at my 31 week 4D scan. ANYWAY.... This afternoon I went to pee and noticed that when I wiped there was a decent chunk of cloudy, jelly like mucos that was tinged ever so slightly brown in some areas. There wasn't a lot of it, but since I've been pregnant I haven't noticed an increase in discharge production so this is definitely out of the norm for me. I messaged my midwife and she confirmed that it sounded like I lost some of my plug. My question is: how long after you started losing (or lost) your mucus plug, did you go into labour? My braxton hicks have been noticeably tighter in this last few days and I get at least 2-3 an hour. For the last week I have been taking both raspberry leaf capsules (don't like the taste of the tea), and evening primrose oil (only orally).