34w6d at a 1

Okay ladies.. Thursday at 34w2d I got super sick throwing up, so my OB sent me to L&D; for fluids and it showed I was having a few contractions which I wasn't feeling much of. . well today I'm now 34w6d, I got sick at work this morning, passed out and I've been having bad period type cramps and a backache.. my OB sent me back to L&D; today and I was at 1cm and only a few small contractions.. I'm home now and I follow up with him Monday with an ultrasound so see if she's turned (she's been breech every ultrasound since 19 weeks)

Now i know people walk around dilated 1-3cm for weeks and it means nothing really but with me only being 34w6d are the chances of going into actual labor before she is term high or is it normal to be at a 1 and experience some contractions this early?

FTM sorry for the dumb question.. TIA