IUD (Copper)

Karen Arentz • Mommy to Eliana Belle Arentz🎀❤️

Need some help! I I recently had my baby girl she is now 2 months old. When I was 13 weeks pregnant of her I developed pulmonary embolism (blood clots) on both side of my lungs, my doctors still don't know why I developed them they think it was a hormonal thing because one, I'm not a smoker. Two, I've never been on the pill or any type of birth control and three, my mom developed something similar she had a blood clot in her leg but it was after she had my brother and she was on the pill. Having the PE while pregnant was very scary and very painful because I couldn't take any type of drug to numb the horrible pain everytime I inhaled. I am 20 years old and don't want to get pregnant again right now, not at least until my baby girl is a year in a half or 2 years old so i'm trying to get on birth control but because I might've gotten a PE because of the hormones it rules out the pill and any other kind of birth control with hormones in it. My ObGyn recommended the IUD with no hormones which is the copper one but me and my husband have looked into it and many girls experienced depression, suicidal thoughts, really bad acne, back pain, painful cramps, heavy flow and copper intoxication. I'd like to read some of your guys experiences if you guys have had any of these symptoms. I'm most concerned with the depression symptom and the heavy flow because I have to take warfarin pills (blood thinners) my flow is already pretty heavy and really don't want it to get even more heavier. And also if anyone had anything similar to what I had I'd really like to hear your story and what you took for birth control. xoxo