What happens now

After trying to get pregnant for 4 years, I got my very first positive on May 19! The morning of the 20th, we left on a 7 hour car ride to go to my husbands grandpas funeral. I was spotting that morning and cramping. Later that afternoon, spotting turned into bleeding with clots. I was freaking out. I was 7 hours away from home and my dr. I called and was told as long as I wasn't in excruciating pain, to just relax and get some rest, otherwise go to the er. We got back home in the 23rd and I took another test. It was positive and was actually darker than all the others.  Felt relieved, thinking darker was good. I had an hcg test done on the 28th and it was a 7. The very next morning I took another hpt, it said negative. I lost it. I was estimated to be 5 weeks. So I had a chemical pregnancy. 
My question is, do I count that bleeding as a period? And will my cycles resume normally or is it going to be all out of whack?