Your opinion please! May be TMI for some people.


Sorry for the long post but I've been thinking of why I'm so late I'm over a month late I've taken a test but I do plan on seeing a doctor to but I just want to know what you guys think it may before I go in! I've been having cravings that I normally never get not even for my period. I have had some dizzy spells, cravings, headaches, cramp like feeling in lower abdomen, nausea at times, and having a heck of a time getting comfortable or even falling asleep at times within this month span! I've also had a incident back in August of 2017 I was at work and went through 7 tampons within an hr no joke I was bleeding so bad I had to be brought in to the ER my mom and aunt helping me cause I was so dizzy and kept passing out. The doctor had me do some testing and he said it came back fine. My mom and aunt both think it was a miscarriage but idk. Could it be possible the doctor misread the results? Why am I so late for my period now I have had 2 regular periods since that incident but now I'm over a month late could I be pregnant? Any ideas on what it could have been or what's going on? Has anyone ever had this happen before? I've tested about a week ago and the test showed blank why would that be it wasn't expired?!