Need to rant

Sorry this is long! So I have a sister in law (if you can call her that) who is 19. She was living with me and my husband to help her with college and such. I had a miscarriage in November. My first pregnancy and we were very excited. My sister in law goes home to “see her dad” and has sex with some loser. She comes back and of course she’s pregnant. I say loser because he has one baby mama and got another girl pregnant at the same time as my SIL. She finds out at 4 weeks so we all tell her she has options and we support those options whatever they may be. She says she’s not killing it. We say okay there’s always adoption if you don’t want it. She says she’ll think about it. Keep in mind this girl can’t even take care of herself. She eats fast food all meals of the day, only drinks soda, does drugs and drinks and literally sleeps like 12-15 hours a day. We tell her what to do to take care of herself and her baby. She gives up soda and half ass eats healthy and each week she tells me all about her baby and what her app says. I’m jealous but whatever I’m also excited. I’m gonna be an aunt again! Well around New Years she goes to Atlanta to see a friend and when she comes back she tells us she’s having an abortion. She’s 10 weeks. She stops talking about the baby, she’s already drinking soda constantly and eating shit food and hardly taking prenatals. She hasn’t even had an appointment. She finally gets one, has an ultrasound, and takes home pictures of her baby. She says she is still going to abort it because she “wants to go home and party for st patties day and meet frat boys. Needless to say I’m done with her. One day she’s laying on the couch and her work calls and asks her to come in for a few hours and she says yes. She works like 10 hours a week so it’s not like she is a work-a-holic. 4:00pm roles around when she’s suppose to be there and she’s still laying on the couch. We ask if she’s gonna go in and she says no “I don’t feel good.” She didn’t even call in. I said you never feel good. She says “Eff off I’m pregnant.” I was done. So I blow up and said “well if you wouldn’t have spread your legs you wouldn’t be in this situation and murdering and innocent life.” A huge blow out happens and she leaves. I pack her shit in her car and I’m done. She comes back for her bed and needless to say the cops end up coming. She says she’s still pregnant at this time which makes her around 13 weeks. The cut off is 14 where I’m at. Then we find out she calls her aunt and tells her she was pregnant but she HAD A MISCARRIAGE and found blood clots in the toilet. Exactly how mine happened. I’m so angry. This little brat is stupid and uses no protection and gets pregnant and then aborts the baby because “she wants to party and live it up in her 20s” and goes around telling people she lost it?! Me and my husband even offered to adopt it and said we wouldn’t tell it who the parents are. She said “no that’s not right.” Makes me so mad. I don’t understand why I lost my baby and this brat just gets one and manages not to kill it with all her bad habits but kills it anyway. 😡