What should i do??

There’s a guy & me and him have talked for a year. He literally ghosted on me and didn’t talk to me for almost 3 months. One day he randomly snapped me and said ‘i miss you’ and i was like why and all he said was that we hadn’t talked in a long time and that he misses having someone there to talk to. Me and him have both had rough lives and we’ve been through a lot. The thing is is that he knows how i feel abt him & always has know. And when i ever bring up the question ‘what are we’ he gets really short and tries to change the topic or says that he just wants to be close friends. But when ever i tell him how i feel he’ll say he feels the same way. He has a girlfriend now and has had her since November & he’s been texting me recently and just talking as friends but he’s trying to hang out with me over spring break. I just don’t want to get hurt again because he’s already done this before to me & he had a girlfriend then too... He’s a super sweet guy and he’s literally the only person i’ve ever opened up to the way i have to him & i don’t want to lose him for good but i don’t how he feels toward that situation cause he’ll never tell me. It’s always mixed signals.

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