Is he playing/:

Hi ladies /: so I met this guy a month ago exactly, he took me out to eat for Valentine’s Day (it was random I never met the dude and it was sweet he bought me food) so after that we’ve been hanging out every week (every Wednesday because we go to school together) and he’s taken me it to eat 3 times already and bought my food and he has planned to go to the movies with my on Friday, so I’m 18 and he’s 22 I’m new to the dating thing... he’s so sweet I’m starting to catch feelings sadly... some... and today we went to eat and he got a text from Alicia... IDK WHO TF ALICIA IS BUT he quickly swiped up (he was showing me memes) anyways we go back to school and before I had to go to work we just hung out in his car and every time I leave he kisses me ( a peck!) his lips so juicy I love them anyways... when we hang out it’s fun and he posted me on his stories but he deleted the Instagram one idk why.... anyways he fucking lags to text back and I wanna know WHY like is he playing?? I’m probably stupid asf for asking this but ugh how do I know if he’s serious or not or if he’s playing or ask him if he’s playing idk): help a sister