Dear Sweet Baby

Dear Sweet Baby,

Words can describe how I felt the day I got told I was pregnant, the first thing that ran through my mind was that I was going to be a mommy at just 17, I didn’t want to fail you and not be able to care for you the way I could if I was older but I promised I’d be the best mommy I could be, so far I’ve tried and I’ve had my ups and downs but I try to protect you even though you’re not here yet! Before my first scan I was so scared I didn’t know if you were okay and if I was okay... I went to that scan with all thoughts that there wouldn’t be anything on that screen and it was all a dream but then I seen you on that little screen... I seen your perfect heart beating, your tiny feet and tiny hands and I fell in love with you! I seen your daddy’s face light up as he seen you, I could tell he was already in love too we seen you move around for a little while but that didn’t seem long enough at all! I just wanted to cuddle you and hold you and kiss you, but you’re not ready yet you needed to be in there just a while longer. I promise that I will try my hardest to love you, care for you, make you laugh and cherish you! I will be the person you need me to be, and I’ll enjoy doing just that for you my sweet baby!

Love, your Mommy.