Dear my best friend


You were the third friend I had made. It's been four years, what's up now? When you were saying " Nooo” as your reaction when I told you that she was coming over as well I did not like it day before you said that you were calling her weird and I told you to stop because people on my bus are saying that she is weird and strange or she should kill herself. After that I know two things, one is that you take suicide lightly and two is that since you are pretending to be her friend, you could pretending to be my friend to. You ignored me days later after I told you I think I might have depression. You don't talk to me as often at recess and do not sit next to me at lunch. You said that you and your friends were having a sleepover I probably broke c.L's heart do you expect her to not be upset that she was not invited when you have been friends with her since you both were in kindergarten? Yesterday you were talking more about the sleep over you are gonna have with your other friends and how it is gonna be so much fun. I may not care that I was uninvited but are you that determined to rub it in? Also I know that you were giving me the hint that you have much more fun with your other friends than you do with me.I told c.L's that I do not think but know you do not want to be friends with me anymore. You do not have you shove me out of your life it's like the slower the more pain. If you do not want to be friends with me then say it straight to my face and get it over with!