I'm back!

I have one CRAZY story to ya'll...
I miscarried end of March, once it was completely done it was early April. I didn't want to wait for it to naturally happy and I didn't want a D&C.. 
Husband and I decided that we were going to wait till end of summer to try again. After going to my OB every week for blood test my levels were finally down to normal, the nurse said if I don't have a cycle in 2 months to give them a call( btw, I have PCOS
About a month ago I starting getting really tired, I thought it had to do with my seasonal allergies and school, then I decided to take a test( thinking there's no way I could be pregnant, but just wanted to make sure) well... The test was very positive and showed up quick. 
It still boggles my mind that I was able to get pregnant without having a period and because I have PCOS and ovulated on my own..
I'm just curious, but has anyone ever heard something like this???
Hubby and I are very excited.. Just shocked and surprised!