You don’t want me anymore

I told you I was scared you’d wake up one day and not want me anymore. You said that was silly that you’d always want me and love me and that I’d always be yours. Why did you lie to me? You say you’re not interested in who I am now. I thought you were going to be the one I’d spend my life with and now you say if I don’t change then you don’t want me anymore. You say I’m sad all the time and jealous and stressed about life you say I have no reason to be broken but I can’t help it. The sadness takes me over and the panic takes over and and you cheated and I’ve forgiven you but you’re the reason I get jealous and I think I have depression and anxiety but when I talk about it you say whatever or that I don’t mean it and it’s so hard because you’re meant to be the person I trust the most you’re meant to be there when I can’t breathe or when I get scared or feel useless but you’re not and I feel alone. I want to tell my parents but I’m worried they’ll blame themselves. I want to tell my friends but I’m worried they’ll look at me differently. I feel trapped and alone and I’m worried I’ll do something. Why did you have to promise you’d always be there if you didn’t mean it. Why did you do that?