No LH surge

Kristin • 2nd IUI was done July 11th 2019, got a positive July 22nd!! Currently in my 8th month February 1st 2020! 🥰👶🏼💙 Baby Boy Due April 2, 2020 Don’t give up hope! 🙏🏽

I haven’t had an LH surge and my last period started February 27th and lasted til March 3rd. Before that my cycle was 41 Days bc I had stopped my pill in January. I have felt major cramping this week which for me and most women is a sign that I am ovulating. Are my ovulation sticks bad? My BBT hasn’t been consistent either. Either way my husband and I have been having sex this week especially bc I should be ovulation and this is my fertile week according to my apps. But i don’t think they take into the fact that sometimes stopping birth control can alter ur cycle. Any advice?