I love/hate relationships.

Rat🐀 • im a broke college student

Ok i’m gonna sound really shallow. Am I the only one who has a really hard time liking someone romantically? There’s this guy I liked. He started liking me back. The more he started liking me, the more he started flirting. As he got more flirty, i thought “woah dude, slow down.” If he were to ask me out, I would have no idea what to say to him. It’s almost like flirting turns me off.

Here’s another thing, I want to be in a relationship, but at the same time I despise them. One second i’ll be like “ugh i want to be held and loved” but the next i’m like “i want to be left alone & i want to be free.”

I’ve come to the conclusion that maybe I just like platonic relationships, but i kind of want a second opinion.

has anyone else had this problem? or am I just crazy???