Jealous dog and newborn


Hi guys!

I am sorry if this question has already been answered elsewhere.

I have a two and and a half year old shih tzu. She was rescued from a puppy mill, and she has some behavioral issues.

She compulsively suckles on my clothes (she was separated from her mother very very early), is possessive of me, and is very jealous.

Like, if my husband hugs me she immideately starts crying and begging me to pick her up. She cries when I cuddle with anyone other than her, even pecks on the cheek make her whine and bark. We try to discourage this the best way we can, I usually ignore her when she’s like that and cuddle her later.

I love her to bits, but now I am three months pregnant with my first, and I don’t know what to do. Last time we had some guests over with a baby, she got so upset when I held the baby I think her heart was going to explode. Now, I’m not concerned about germs or anything, I don’t think she’s capable of hurting anyone let alone a baby. She doesn’t sleep in our bedroom, she has her own room, and I’ve already trained her that the nursery is off limits.

But my question is what to do when the baby arrives? She’s gonna be so jealous, and I don’t know how I’m gonna deal with both of them crying.

I do have the option to give her to my parents for a few weeks when the baby arrives. They have a huge yard and lots of cats and a dog, and she loves staying there. They always babysit her when we’re going on vacations or weekends, so it’s not a problem, but I don’t know what’s right.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.