Braxton Hicks & Labor Contractions..

Amy • George Westlake, born July 10. Weight: 6lbs 9ozs. He is perfect! Now for the next part of this amazing journey.. 🌻💙
Hello ladies. I'm 35 weeks on Wednesday and for the past two weeks ive been having a cramp like feeling all of a sudden, every now and again. sometimes painful, sometimes bareable. A few times ive been walking to or from the bathroom, it's happened and ive had to stop suddenly and hold my belly it's been that painful. But I really don't know what Braxton hicks feel like? Or if this is just general twinges? - I'm getting to a point where it's more frequent but I feel like I would just know if it was BH.. Can anyone explain what they feel like? Or contractions for that matter. As im a FTM and I feel like it's gonna happen and I'll have no idea! (Of course I'm 100% sure I will) but a description of BH and labour contractions would be helpful! Thank you 🌻