Amniotic fluid or urine 😳

Aly • Mum to beautiful 5 year old girl, sweet baby boy due soon ❤️

Was enjoying today at the mall cause who doesn’t love shopping?

A while later I notice a wet feeling. I look down and there’s a small puddle between my legs. 😳🧐

I don’t remember feeling to pee but I’m honestly not sure!!

Once I got home I phoned my doctor. She had told me to continue wearing pad I had placed and to come in if I had another gush of fluid.

Very bad back cramping but only mild contractions a few hours later. Nothing I can’t handle. Also very nauseous.

Just wanted to share some pics. Having me head to LND now just to be safe!

Wish me luck! 💙

Before I leaked..

And now after..


Currently still in LND receiving an IV of magnesium & antibiotic. I also received a steroid shot to help baby boy develop. Will receive the next shot in a few hours.

What I thought was just cramping ended up being contractions 3-5 min apart. They are now thankfully longer apart, but still coming.

I am still only at 1cm and won’t be checked again for a few hours.

Doctor and nurses hope to keep him in a while longer. I forgot to mention I’m 33 weeks and 5 days. They are just closely monitoring. So far things are looking good.

Fluids & rest for me. Thanks for your concerns and advice. 💕