I'm Here For YOU

Angela • Hit me up if you need someone to talk to or just wanna chat as buddies. I enjoy listening, talking, and helping others. @useless_angela [insta] or ameilyapower2 [snap]

Idc what's wrong, where you are, or what time of day it is. Message me and I WILL respond as soon as possible. If you're interested in being friends or even just need/want someone to talk to about life, I'm here.

I'm a great listener, there's no way I'll judge you [my opinion isn't me judging it's just my POINT OF VEIW], I'm normally up late and I'll drop whatever I'm doing to make sure y'all are okay, and if you're in a tight situation I'm here to talk without worry of me "ratting".

I'm not the best speller, you're welcome to correct me if you'd like. Another problem is that I have a habit of kinda just going on and on...case and point^^^^

I'll leave my instagram user here and if you need/want something else just comment and I can give you my Facebook, Snapchat, or email. [trying to be flexible]


[my profile picture is a boat/ship]

I know it can be heard to start talking, but in my PERSONAL experience, it's easier to talk/open up when you can just start and not worry about anything. When someone is there already, it's easier to take the first step.

PLEASE NOTE!!! Anything and everything you say is COMPLETELY confidential unless YOU authorize otherwise.