Asthma. . .

Ariana • I'm 20 and we're currently pregnant with baby number one. EDD October 28 2015. 😊👶✨👶🎃
So I had my anatomy scan Thursday and everything went great baby is still measuring perfect and looking good. I had my normal ob appointment today and she mentioned to me that I will be having another ultrasound at 28 weeks. She said it's a asthma growth ultrasound. I asked her what that meant and she explained since I have asthma they have to make sure the Baby grows properly due to me having issues sometimes with getting oxygen (meaning the baby won't get oxygen). Hearing this completely put me in a little depression I would hate it if something happen to my little girl because I have asthma. It seems like just when I feel I can breath and relax I get something new to worry about. Any other mamas out there with asthma? I hate feeling like I'm alone on this.