11 months ttc and yet another BFN!


Just have to vent because I'm so emotionally just done with ttc. I know there are women who have been trying even longer (god bless you) I just feel like the universe is against me becoming a mother I've tried everything in the damn book. And I'm so frusterated and crushed every month I see that one stupid pink line. And what gets me is I have a co worker who is pregnant and has only been with her man for a short period of time..and they met at work and got pregnant right away...like wtf?! And every time we talk it's oh you need to do this, don't do that, it will happen. I also feel like it's just rubbed in my face every day, its talk about the baby shower, talk about the gender reveal party, talk about what outfits she plans on buying, and all the nursery stuff....and what really kills me is she knows my SO and I have been having trouble and is just totally inconsiderate of that fact...and maybe that was my fault in confiding in someone with my personal life but I just felt so entirely alone in my struggle that it felt nice to let someone in on the pain I was feeling and now I just feel that backfired on me. I've also picked up a fulltime job on top of my part time job as well as getting ready to move to a new house...I just feel so overwhelmed and defeated right now and I don't know what I can do to make myself feel better. And my SO is always heartbroken when I tell him it's another negative and I don't think he's quite sure on how to make me feel better either because I just become so withdrawn and irritated after I get a negative test. Idk I guess rant over.