Cramping before AF?


I am, once again, hoping for some positive stories about cramping leaded to a BFP.

I will be 10dpo tomorrow. No, I didn’t make it this far without testing and I hate to admit that I’ve taken 3 test thus far knowing damn well it wasn’t going to show up 🤦🏼‍♀️ Auntie is due for her monthly visit on the 23rd. My cycles are dead on and Glow hasn’t been wrong since December 2017.

I have been cramping for quite a few days but today it has been like pinching/twinges in my lower abdomen. This feels like period cramps but different at the same time? I’ve had creamy white cm, which is normal for me but it has been a little more.

We used OPK’s, got my positive on the 9th, and Preseed this cycle. Has anyone else cramped before AF was due and she never showed her big fat ugly face? (Led to BFP)