One more round

Maryjane • Happy wife 💍 | Poetry & Art lover ❤️ | TTC baby # 1 👣💓 with PCOS | I curse a lot but I’m a sweetheart 🤣

Ok, so I had started provera a few months back & took it along with Femara. First cycle was a fail, I suppose. So I waited to see if I’d get my own cycle last month & I’d take my 7.5mg of Femara on CD3 but I never got my period. I tested, wasn’t pregnant but I did ovulate. So I finally received my d-chiro-inositol in the mail a few days after getting positive ovulation tests so I started them as soon as I got them, didn’t want to waste any time. A few days after taking them, my cycle started. I am now on CD 3 & just took my Femara. Praying this cycle work out for me this month. I just ordered myo-inositol as i just read & discovered they work better taken together, d-chiro-inositol & 2000 myo-inositol. So I’ll be taking that combo when they come in, but I’m sure I’ll be done with my cycle of Femara by time they come in the mail. Anyone familiar with those supplements & how they work, when I’m supposed to take them & the side effects, if any. I have a dr apt sometime in April & I can’t wait. After this cycle, I’ll be out of femara so I’m sure she’ll do a lot of testing & whatnot if I’m not pregnant when I go, which I’m sure I won’t be. Always great to get checked & see what else can be done. Still wish I’d just conceive my rainbow baby more tban anything though ❤️