Throat pain - heartburn?

H-goody • Pregnant with my 1st. Due 30.8.15
The only way I can describe it is that my oesophagus feels the size of a golf ball yet a cricket ball is trying to pass down it... It bloody hurts and feels like a stretching pain. Sometimes I feel as if I have a lump in my throat. Do you think this could be heartburn??
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I have been getting heartburn/indigestion every day. I read that the same muscle the helps you dialate also keep the esophageal sphincter tight and it will start loosening as you get further in your pregnancy. 


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Yup! It's called "globus sensation" where you feel like you have a ball of food stuck in your throat.  It's due to irritation caused by heartburn. And it sucks! 


H-goody • Jun 16, 2015
Thanks it's horrible!!


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Acid reflux maybe? I've been struggling with it too! 😭 the baby pushes your stomach acid up.. 


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I have the same pain and then sometimes almost like a headache in my throat, chest, and then accompanied by the traditional burning!