One week old! πŸ’œπŸŽ€

Sunday evening I was having contractions. But I've been having contractions for weeks so I just figured it was nothing. Around 10pm they were 10 minutes apart and I was crying with everyone. At 3am they were 4 minutes apart. I couldn't move. I waited about two hours and called the hospital from the bathroom floor and they told me to come in. By the time we saw the nurse at 5:30am I was 7cm. Once in the delivery room and 30 minutes later I was 9cm. My midwife said I could get an epidural but it might not kick in in time, or I can start pushing now but it could take 30 minutes to 4 hours. As my husband and I were talking about it my water broke. So at 7:30 I started pushing with no epidural. My little princess was born at 9:52 June 8th at 39 weeks, 6.15 pounds, 19.5 inches. πŸ’œπŸŽ€