Bfn after bfn, so frustrating

I had my IUD removed in October and ever since then my periods have been trying to regulate themselves. I had a 35 day cycle, 27, 21, 18 and now on day 38. This last month i “stopped trying” ate healthy, exercised, didn’t even look at the app. But then of course around last week when I remembered my period never came I’ve been scrutinizing every symptom since. Breast veins popping out and tingling? Increase in creamy cm? Weird food cravings and bouts of nausea? Must be pregnant! But nothing yet. And no did not track my temp or use the opk sticks this month cause I’m just over it. I work in Obgyn and if I have to witness another “oops we didn’t mean to get pregnant or ugh I don’t want this baby where can I get it taken care of” I’m gonna loose my freaking mind. End rant.