First response vs Internet cheapie

💩 • RN 🍦GA Peach 🍑 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻🌈👶🏻💕🤰🏻#2

I’m posting this because someone may find it helpful. I started having a miscarriage on 3/8/18. My hcg level the next day was 220, and it dropped to 47 3 days later. I’ve been taking internet cheapies everyday to track hcg levels at home. They have slowly faded over the last week to very faint lines. I took a first response today to compare.

Internet cheapies around hcg 50:

Today (11 days post miscarriage, hcg was 4 eight hours after this photo ):

As you can see, even the Wondfo is picking it up with a very faint line. I thought it was cool to see how sensitive these tests are.