Hepatitis C?


So my mother has hepatitis C and today when I was with her, her nose was bleeding she took her hand and wiped the blood away. 😑 Then she wonders why I'm never letting her hold the baby. She is also pissed that I never let her watch the baby alone. But I don't trust that she is A- Healthy enough. B-that her home is clean enough. I mean her home is spotless but I know hepatitis can live on a surface for a long time. And she does things like wipe blood onto her hands and then not wash them. Believe you me I would love to talk to her about it to make it work. But addressing this would make my mother completely stop talking to me all together. She is highly sensitive and will cut people out of her life like they are last week's news lol. So I guess my question is...Would you let Someone you know has hepatitis C watch your baby alone? I know this sounds so contraveral. And I am aware I may highly offend someone. So please feel free to correct me, put me in my place, what ever it may be. I am posting out of wanting to understand and grow. Thanks Guys, be gental lol!