

I’m kind of annoyed that my boyfriends brother brought 2 kids into this world bc they were “ready”.

Him: technical school drop out, doesn’t have a stable job. Works a few days a week. Is 22 years old.

Her: went to cosmo school. Didn’t finish either. She got pregnant at 19 after her boyfriend drop out of school. (On purpose)

They were living in my suegras house but then moved out to the trailer in the front of the house that belongs to they mom.

As of right now they are living off foodstamps, and the few dollars he makes a week. (There’s work, but he doesn’t want to work) and she doesn’t work. They had another baby. So that’s 2 babies living in discousting conditions. I feel like calling cps on them since the last time I walked into their home.

I walked in bc my boyfriend was looking for his ps4 controller and it stuck so bad, the trailer has about 3-4 small rooms. The kitchen is a mess, they have a rabbit in their and it’s crap is all over the kitchen floor. Their room is so nasty. On our way out, we ran out. We saw a pile of used dirty diapers in the floor. Idk :( it’s sad bc his mom still has 2 little girls she is taking care of and she pays off their utilities bill and car insurance. They feed the babies really unhleathy stuff and they are both over weight and don’t do anything to provide actually food. Just mc Donald’s and whatever the food stamps cover is frozen food they buy. I know not all women know how to cook but my god! When you have a child, at least learn if the boyfriend wont.

Again. Just a rant.