She's ADORABLE 😍 3D pic

Bree • I`m 27 yrs old and have one son (8). I just had our second. Not sure if we're done or not.
First off I highly recommend this. We had our 3D/4D Sono today. Little Miss did so good. The techs machine was messing up so we got to see her for almost an hour instead of 15 mins. She has big ol cheeks, her Daddies eyes, and a little bit of hair. We also have video of her with the hiccups and suckling 😍 They also did a growth scan. She "weighs" (not sure how they know) 3lbs 2oz. And she is measuring at 30 weeks instead of 29wks 2 days. This pic is my favorite even though her eyes look kind of crazy.