My ex is annoying the hell out of me 😭

So my ex and I recently broke up cause I really have no trust for him anymore, I found things out, he has been flirting with his co workers and talking to girls on tinder behind my back for a while and just decided enough is enough. Now, I would still like to be friends with him, and he agreed too but he's getting on my nerves. Since we've been broken up he has downloaded more dating apps, added tons of girls on Snapchat and just been going like all out. He's been living with me so I see him every night but since the breakup he has slept a lot over his friends house but a few times here as well. He is always begging me for sex, I told him no I don't want to, go get it from the girls you've been talking to. And he says no I want it from you. And then he gets mad at me for it ?! I'm just so confused. And we did say we would like to try to make it work again like next year, should I try or should I just stay away?