25.12.17 My Christmas baby


I had to get induced because of something that went wrong during my pregnancy. I gotten induced at 37weeks. 7am on Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> they started to the process, I got the gel & went for walks, nothing happened the whole day. I went for walks up and down hoping I’d be giving birth that day. When they checked me I haven’t dilated or nothing, so they used a second gel, I did the same as the first gel walk up and down. My partner and I walked around the hospital couple times, till I got back to hospital I started feeling contractions. When they checked me that night at 10pm I still haven’t dilated or nothing I went to sleep at 1am with a lot of pain so I had my partner sleeping with me. I woke up to me thinking I was peeing at 5:30 but it was my water. I yelled out to my partner I think I just peed😂😂😂 and I was like oh wait no I’m still leaking and we both got excited. I called the doctors & they said I was 3cm. I was feeling contractions coming continuously and I had the urge to push, told the midwife and they took me to the delivery room at 8am on Christmas Day. Had the worst contractions well it felt like it, they haven’t checked me or anything and I was yelling to the midwife, I need to PUSH but they said I couldn’t because I’m only 5cm dilated but I told them no I need to push and they checked me. I was 9cm dilated & I was ready to give birth. Woooohoooo at 10:38am my little big baby came on Christmas Day 💙 was healthy boy who came at 37 weeks. The best Christmas gift ever !!!!!!’ He’s currently almost 3 months 💙 I