I’m so confused!


I took a hpt Saturday & it was negative. AF was due to arrive today and NOTHING! Mind you, my cycle has been regular like clock work since I got my period back postpartum. Even when I got my IUD in, still 28 days. Even when I got it out, still 28 days. Never missed a beat. I literally haven’t had a late period since the last time I was pregnant and my kid is 2!

Did I just test too early?! When do I test again?! Am I jinxing myself writing this post?! COULD THIS BE IT?! Jesus H 🤦🏻‍♀️ this TTC stuff is rough, I don’t know how y’all do this for years on end.

No cramps, no period gas, no period poops (you know the kind 🙄) just weird dreams. INCLUDING ONE WHERE MY MOM WAS PREGNANT. And heartburn like a MF. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.